The future of fitness training has arrived…

Last week I used a client’s DNA Profile Data to create a personalized fitness training program to help her meet her goals! She began unexpectedly gaining weight when she changed her fitness program to focus on improving her endurance for running instead of focusing on running intervals for speed. Her body is genetically designed for running short distances, based on factors related to her ancestor’s geographical regions and their hunting practices.

By understanding genetic factors, we optimized the training program to align with her natural predispositions. She was having stress induced inflammation, which looked like extra weight on the scale. We lowered amount of cardio and added in weekly yoga to help her stress levels. Sometimes, less work really is more! Your genetic profile influences key traits related to athletic performance, such as muscle composition, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, recovery needs, and injury susceptibility.

Here’s an example program customized to a person’s Muscle Fiber Composition

For a Fast-Twitch Dominant Athlete (Power/Sprinter):

  • Day 1: Strength Training

    • Deadlifts: 4x5 (heavy)

    • Squats: 3x6

    • Box Jumps: 3x12

  • Day 2: Speed and Agility

    • Sprint Intervals: 6x100m at 90% effort with 2 minutes rest

    • Agility Drills: 4x10m cone sprints

  • Day 3: Recovery/Mobility

    • Light yoga or cycling

For a Slow-Twitch Dominant Athlete (Endurance):

  • Day 1: Long-Distance Training

    • Run: 10 miles at moderate pace

  • Day 2: Strength for Endurance

    • Lunges: 3x12 per leg

    • Bodyweight Pull-Ups: 3x8

  • Day 3: Recovery/Low Intensity

    • Easy Cycling: 45 minutes

Using genetic data to create personalized training programs is a game-changer for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. By understanding your genetic predispositions, you can tailor your workouts to maximize performance, prevent injuries, and achieve your goals. Remember, while genetics provide the blueprint, consistent effort and a balanced approach are the keys to long-term success.

Genetics ≠ Destiny: While genetic testing offers valuable insights, data is just another way to modify environmental factors like training, nutrition, and mindset, which play an equally significant role.


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